Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Early Labor Signs

Leaking or Discharge:
You pass your mucus plug or water breaks.  Not everyone will notice the passing of their plug.  Your water may also not break before your pushing stage.

With or without pain you will feel your stomach tightening like a  fist.  Everyones pain tolerance varies so time them. If they are consistent 10 min apart or less for over an hour, you may want to call your doctor or midwife.

You may have period like cramps, with or without passing loose stools. Its perfectly normal and your body is getting ready to deliver that baby.

Pelvic Pressure:
You may actually feel your baby "drop" shifting downward in your stomach. Feel like you have to hold yourself while standing or walking...yup, that's it.

You may have a dull ache in your mid to lower back. Applying counter pressure usually helps to ease the discomfort.

  • If you think that you are leaking amniotic fluid, put on a pad and lay down. If you are able to soak it, then your water has most likely broken.
  • To test if you are having real contraction, rest and drink a couple glasses of water. Sometimes dehydration can cause cramping and contractions. If they are real they will not stop regardless of what you do.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and do not claim to be one. These are my experiences and some others have shared with me.

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