Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My First 30 Day Challenge: Commitment

With an active toddler and new baby at home, I can not think of much I would really rather do when the kids are napping than to nap myself. However, staying active and healthy is at the top of my priority list as well so I have to put the work in. Our newest edition is 8 weeks old today <3 It took forever for me to get this posted, again trying to keep my priorities in order, so I am a week into my new beginning.

As I thought about how I wanted to begin my new regime, I wanted to focus on things I could do at home. Of course immediately I thought of all the stuff I could buy for the most effective at home work out. I got excited! New work out videos, kettle bells, resistance bands, some heavier free weights, this is going to be great.  Then I sat and though about how much I already had to work out with.

At some point we have all sat and watched that infomercial about the latest new work out video or product and purchased it with the best intentions.  You know what I'm talking about; Insanity, P90X, Hip Hop Abs, Zumba, Rockin Body, Xbox Kinect work outs, Wii Fit, the various Yoga videos.  Most if not all come with 30, 60 or 90 day plans to help shape you up.  How many of those have you completed?

So here is the first challenge. Don't spend anymore money. Pick something you already have at home and commit to their work out for 30 days. You may find that you love what you have or maybe you are looking for more of a challenge. You can move onto another work out you already have, increase intensity of what you are doing, or go get those weights you had your eye on. At least you would have earned it and have less of a chance of seeing your money laying around as you loose muscle tone.

I was cleared to do low intensity workouts.  I decided to begin with My Wii Fit Plus and Wii Active Personal Trainer.

For the first 30 days I will follow the work outs they have designed for me for my low intensity work out.  It tracks my work out days, rest days, calories, and time spent.  Best of all I don't need a lot of space to do it and it gives me a great work out in half and hour.  If I have more time throughout the day I'll add yoga in.  My favorite part of working out at home has been setting a great example for Marissa. She joins in or will eat her breakfast and cheer me on. 

" You can do it Mommy!" 
"Go Mommy, Go Mommy, Go Mommy!" 
and my favorite
" Mommy, I'm so proud of you."

That's all the motivation I could ever need.

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